Disaster Relief Mission Opportunity

By: Matt Ward

We are heavy into getting a Disaster Relief trip scheduled for BEBA churches that would like to participate. FBC Hazard is going to house us and provide food… We have to provide kitchen workers to cook for our group, and our group will primarily be doing sheetrock and insulation installation. The dates are October 3-7 (Monday-Friday). If you have any interest in putting this out to your church members – I have attached a packet detailing the trip… This same info can be found at http://www.fbcwartburg.org/volunteer-for-kentucky.html - or with the attached QR code. It’s a short fuse – but there is a great opportunity here to enter homes and share the love of Christ.

Thank you for your participation!

These are the urgent needs for those in Eastern Kentucky.

These are the long term needs for those in Eastern Kentucky.

About the Disaster Relief Team


A Message from Matt Ward (BEBA D.R. Director)

"The Church is, and always has been, the tip of the spear for ministry. BEBA Disaster Relief is actively looking for missions & ministry opportunities to hand off to churches to go be the hands and feet of Jesus to people that are in need. This may include working on large-scale disasters like the current situation in Eastern Kentucky - or it may be a personal "disaster" where a local family needs help. Brother Randy Roper often uses the term "relevant" to filter out unnecessary things. If it's not relevant to you, we don't need to push it from the Association. Following the lead of our Director of Missions - we would like to be a resource to churches providing relevant information about real-life, ready-to-go, "here I am, send me" opportunities to get to work in loving God and loving neighbors by meeting practical needs.

If you have an interest in ministry opportunities with BEBA Disaster Relief, join or follow our Facebook group at Big Emory Baptist Disaster Relief Ministry

or email either danieldiden67@gmail.com or SrPastor@fbcwartburg.org"