Cannon's Corner

Shine the Light

What would you think about a man who walked into a dark room in his house and went on a rant about how dark it is and who declared how much he hates the dark without ever even thinking about turning on the light? We would all likely think that a man like this has become at least somewhat mentally unstable, if not completely unhinged from reality. Getting riled up about the darkness of a room without doing something about it when the means to do something about it is right at our fingertips would be illogically laughable and absolutely ridiculous.

Now, think with me about how Christians often respond to the spiritual darkness of this world. Most of us believe the world is a dark place that has gotten darker due to the increasing wicked godlessness which is running rampant. This is evident every day we live, every time we turn on our televisions, and likely every time we have any interactions with the world at all. What do we do about this spiritual darkness?

We often respond to the spiritual darkness like the man who walks into a dark room and begins complaining loudly and bitterly about it. It is easy to go on long diatribes about the spiritually diseased state of this world. We are eager to point out with loud voices all the vices being indulged in by those who are endangering their souls with reckless disregard for their eternal destination. And we often do this without shining the light of Jesus Christ into the darkness that we see.

I know and agree that the world is spiritually dark and getting darker, but the way to make the greatest impact is not by continually ranting about it. The way to make the greatest impact on the darkness is by shining the light of Jesus Christ through proclaiming the Gospel and performing good works.

Would you join me in striving to be people who shine the light instead of just being people who fuss about the darkness. Christ is more glorified and those who are wandering aimlessly in the darkness are better helped if we live life in this way.

In His Service,

Matt Cannon

Director of Mission