Cannon's Corner April 2023

I am writing this during my first full week as your Director of Missions and it has been a

good one. Why? For one, aside from knocking a picture off of my desk and onto the

floor, I haven’t broken anything yet. But mostly it’s been good as I have gotten

acquainted with the position and what it’s going to entail for me as I seek to help you,

your church, and our association now and in the future. In talking to Adam, the

administrative assistant, about this, he used the phrase “you’ve got to pave the road

before you can drive on it.” This means before moving too far forward, I must first

prepare to move forward by getting the processes and pieces in place so the forward

movement will be with clarity, passion, and purpose. This is being accomplished and for

that I am thankful.

I will end my portion of this newsletter first by thanking the Lord Jesus Christ for the

opportunity to be of service in His kingdom and by thanking the association for the

privilege of serving in this role. Additionally, I encourage you to reach out to me via

phone call, text message, e-mail, Facebook message, or in person if I can help you or

your church in any way or if you have anything at all you would like to discuss with me.

May we seek to honor our Savior with joy in our hearts as we cooperate with each other

for the glory of God!

In His Service,

Matt Cannon

Director of Missions