Big Emory Baptist Association


Annual Session

Thursday, October 23, 2025

Time TBA

Big Emory Baptist Church

Harriman, TN

Big Emory Baptist Association

2024 Annual Meeting

October 24th, 2024, Union Baptist Church

Wartburg, TN

Corey Jones, Moderator

Adam Shadoan, Clerk

The association's moderator, Rev. Corey Jones of Middle Creek, welcomed the messengers, and Rev. Jason Lowe of Union gave instructions for using the facilities. Rev. Jason Lowe also provided the opening prayer.

Shawn Smith of Riverside led the congregation in “I’ll Fly Away” and “When We All Get To Heaven.” 

Dr. Jamie Work from the International Mission Board presented the annual sermon. He spoke about the International Mission Board and the Mission of God being embraced by the Southern Baptists. He spoke on Matthew 10:7 and the promise of Jesus in Acts 1:8. The Lord gave us the Great Commission, He showed us His vision of the Great Multitude, and between the Great Commission and the Great Multitude, God invites us to the Great Pursuit of the lost in the world.

Shawn Smith of Riverside closed this time of worship with “What a Day That Will Be.

The 149th Annual Meeting of the Big Emory Baptist Association was called to order on October 24th, 2024, by moderator Rev. Corey Jones of Middle Creek.

Rev. Matt Cannon, Director of Missions, gave the Director of Mission’s Address. He introduced the new pastors, Rev. Rick Miller of Chapman Grove and Rev. Ralton Emory of Fireside Fellowship. We should not be debating if we should be on mission. It is without question that we should be on mission, and the churches of the Big Emory Baptist Association are indeed on mission. Storehouse Ministries is funded to feed, clothe, and meet the needs of our community. The BCM shares the gospel and disciples students in college at Roane State, The Rebuild ministry provides ramps for those in need, The Navajo Missions reaches the lost in Navajo, and Disaster Relief is taking up donations for the Hurrican recovery in the eastern United States. There is only one way we can do this: by praying to the one who empowers us, God Himself. We praise God for the churches and pastors of the Big Emory Baptist Association. Let’s stay on mission for the Lord.

Joe Sorah, Tennessee Baptist Mission Board, presented a certificate to Rev. Matt Cannon, D.O.M. of the association, acknowledging the 31 churches that participated in the Golden Offering. A check for $11,797.32 was given back to the association for use in  mission work.

Jonathan Blanchard of Storehouse Ministry provided the Storehouse Ministry update and thanked the churches for their provisions of time, prayer, talents, donations, and service. They now have a new storefront for their clothing. They have gone through 74,000 pieces of clothing. He also said they gave out 180,000 pounds of food. Everything that they get, they give to the community. He invited everyone to join them on Wednesday for some of Donna Jerden’s food, good old-fashioned volunteer work, and prayer!

Matt Ward gave an update on the Big Emory Baptist Association's rebuild and disaster relief ministries. In the rebuild ministry, the churches can step in and answer the crisis. He has sought to call the three closest churches to the crisis to find one willing to step out and minister to their needs. Big Emory will provide the finances, and the Church will provide the laborers. This year, six churches have joined in to help meet the needs of those in our community in crisis. He also spoke about how we have been a helping hand to people affected by disasters in Sunbright and Eastern Tennessee. We are also more ready due to a disaster relief class that has been provided. He encouraged people to stop by the Clear Creek Ministry Center as they offer ways to meet people in crisis.

Rev. Travis Harmon, BCM Director, Was unable to attend the annual meeting. His report can be found in the yearly meeting book of reports. Rev. Corey Jones stood in for Travis  and touched on the fall-off rate of students attending church after leaving for college, and why the BCM is so important for reaching those students before we lose them to the world. He then spoke about the BEBA 1 Conference coming on February 1, 2025. It has become a one-night discipleship night for students with breakout sessions that will build up our students' faith and empower them to share the gospel in their environments.

Dr. Randy Davis, Executive Director of the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board, welcomed everyone by video. He invited everyone to the end of our five objectives, which marks the 150th anniversary celebration and the beginning of Acts 2:17. 2.5 million dollars have been given to the Golden State Missions offering.

Rev. Michael Turnington brought the Navajo Missions report. The methods sometimes change, but the message never changes. There were 34 individuals and six churches participating in the trip, not including those who helped provide 284 buckets. The buckets greatly help open doors to homes and the gospel. This Mission would not be possible without the support of the churches of the Big Emory Baptist Church. 

Rev. James Griffith, South Harriman Baptist Church, presented the 2024-2025 annual budget. Each staff member received an increase. The rebuild ministry budget was reduced, citing the surplus supply of designated funds. Rev. Griffith made a motion to accept the budget. No second was needed, and the motion carried.

Rev. Greg Kelly presented the nominating committee report. Rev. Kelly made a motion, and no second was needed. The motion carried. 

A time of Miscellaneous Business was opened. Rev. Mike Hammonds motioned from the floor for the missions committee to recommend how the association can support Life Choices of Roane County, which was seconded by John Howell.

Rev. James Griffith nominated Corey Jones as moderator.  Mike Hammonds Seconded, and the motion carried.

Mike Hammonds nominated Jason Lowe for vice moderator and was seconded by Rev. David Acres. The motion was made to accept the nomination, and the motion was carried.

Rev. Mike Hammonds invited all the pastors to attend the Pastor’s conference and the Pastor’s and wives' Christmas party.

Rev. Matt Cannon presented the address of the Director of Missions, thanking all the pastors and messengers for supporting the association. The next 150th Annual Meeting will be held on October 23, 2025, at Big Emory Baptist Church. Where the first annual meeting of the association was held.

A motion to adjourn was made by Rev. Greg Kelly and was seconded by Rev. Mike Hammonds, and the motion was carried.

Rev. Adrian Jones prayed, and the meeting was adjourned.

Report submitted by Adam Shadoan, Clerk

2022 Annual Meeting Minutes

For A.C.P Administrators