To add an event to our page you can email our office at or call at 865.882.6446


TBMB’s YEC '25

March 7-8: Middle 
LifePoint in Smyrna, TN

March 14-15: West
Union University in Jackson TN

March 28-29: East 
Black Oak Heights in Knoxville TN

conclave: Chattanooga

Conclave connects, encourages, and trains student ministry leaders from across the country, with eight state baptist conventions partnering together to lead the event.

Each year we work in cooperation to provide a training event for youth pastors, youth leaders, and volunteers. Corporate worship, breakout sessions, and networking are designed to create a training conference to equip and rejuvenate your youth ministry team.


South Harriman

Selling a Vulcan 8 burner gas stove for $500. Contact their office at (865)882-1816 for details

Black Oak

Giving away their puppets used in puppet ministry. If your church is interested call Roger Lloyd at (865)599-0445

Tennessee Baptist Children’s Home Needs Foster Parents!

TBCH is seeking compassionate individuals and families to open their homes to children in need. Many of our foster families have transitioned to adoption, creating a growing need for new foster parents.

Are you ready to make a difference?

Click below to view our upcoming virtual foster parent training schedule. This comprehensive training is free, digital, and accessible statewide.

Let's work together to provide loving homes for children in our community.

For questions, contact Kim Morgan and Hanna Mead

Big Emory Baptist Association

We are now accepting Sunday School materials. You can drop them off by the BEBA office during our regular office hours.

Like and Follow BEBA’s Facebook page

You can get this news and more throughout the month when you like and follow our new Facebook page.

Church Openings

Pianist Position

Pleasant Grove is looking for a piano player. You can send resumes to attention:

Lonnie Justice

Pleasant Grove Baptist Church

P.O. Box 187

1306 Fairview Road,  

Coalfield,TN 37719

Worship Leader


IMPACT Church is seeking a Worship leader if you are interested you can call (865)228-0107

Youth Pastor Search

FBC Sunbright is seeking a Youth Minister for their church. If you are interested in this role you can learn more by calling 931.722.4130

Youth Pastor

Trenton Street

Trenton Street Baptist Church is seeking a Youth Pastor for their church. If you or anyone you know are interested in this position contact Rev. David Williams at: 423.736.1172