Baptist Collegiate Ministries

Roane State Community College


About the Rscc BCM

The Baptist Collegiate Ministry, on the Roane State, Harriman campus has been an official, recognized organization of the campus since the early 1970s. 

Our purpose is to know Christ and make Christ known. 

We build our relationship with Christ through worship, Bible study, discipleship, fellowship, and local church participation and involvement. We then make Christ known through evangelism, missions, ministry, and enlistment of students in BCM activities. 

Our goal is to minister to college students and equip them for their lives away from home. 

We are a group of students living out the call of scripture. The students come from a variety of backgrounds. Not all are Baptist. Not all are Christian. We welcome everyone who comes into the BCM. Our hope, our prayer, is to create a community that is welcoming and fun while taking seriously our commitment to Christ. We hope to help students mature in their relationship with God and to serve Him by giving students opportunities to serve others

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