Cannon's Corner

“Let Us Adore Him”

Christmas plays, pageants, cantatas, and musicals are wonderful ways for churches to celebrate the entrance of Jesus Christ into this sin-cursed world. I love and have been a part of each one of these throughout the years and greatly appreciate all who work so diligently to highlight the greatness of the Incarnation in these ways. They are all wonderful ways to help people turn their focus onto the One who makes Christmas time (and all other times) possible.

But what if we had none of these things? What if every church suddenly stopped with all of these special events? What if we threw out all the mangers and angel wings and baby dolls that dutifully played baby Jesus for years? What would happen if all the caroling was quietened and all of the Christmas trees vanished? What if there were no more Christmas cards, Christmas cookies, or Christmas parties? What if Christmas ceased to be celebrated all over the world? What would we have then?

We would still have Jesus…the only thing about Christmas that we’ve ever needed anyway.

I’m not saying that we shouldn’t enjoy all of the wonderful events, decorations, and fun of Christmas. I encourage you to soak in every good thing you can about this wonderful holiday. I know I’m trying to do so.

What I’m saying is that in the midst of it all, we must make sure we adore the One that this holiday (and every other day) is all about.

O come, let us adore Him, Christ, the Lord!!!!

Serving Him with You,

Bro. Matt