Cannon's Corner

“Christ is Risen!”

I have preached more funeral services over the past 3 months than I have in a very long time.

The ages of the deceased range from a preborn baby to a 99 1⁄2 year-old lady. Each service has

featured sadness and singing, grief and God’s Word. And each service has also had a large

dose of hope.

The hope provided comes from the fact that Jesus Christ is risen...He is risen indeed!

At Easter, we celebrate and commemorate the sacrificial death of our Lord on the cross of

Calvary and His glorious resurrection from a borrowed tomb. People who confess with their

mouths the Lord Jesus and believe in their hearts that God has raised Him from the dead shall

be saved. Because of this, we have a hope that is steadfast and sure that those who know

Christ, though they die, live on in Glory!

There is nothing so outstanding, so heart-uplifting, so joyfully-marvelous than having a true and

living hope that lasts beyond the grave. Let us celebrate this Easter like never before and let us

keep doing so until Christ returns or calls us Home!

Praising Jesus with You,

Bro. Matt