Celebrating Christmas

Jesus was once a baby in a manger. His mother and earthly father looked down upon him, no doubt thinking quite a bit about how God had spoken to them sometime earlier about who He would be and what He would do.

But He didn’t stay a baby. He lived a life filled with lovingkindness for all those who were hurting and oppressed. He healed the sick, raised the dead, and proclaimed the Good News to all who would listen. And then Jesus went to the cross and paid the penalty for our sin.

But He didn’t stay dead. The Sunday after His crucifixion…He arose! And after spending time showing Himself to His disciples, He then ascended into Heaven where He makes intercession for those who know Him.

But He won’t stay there. One day Christ will come and receive those of us who know Him unto Himself that where He is we may be also. Let us celebrate Christmas while remembering it’s not just about a baby in a manger, it’s about a Savior – Christ the Lord!

Merry Christmas to you all! –

Bro. Matt