Cannon's Corner

“We Need Revival!”

I’m writing this just a few days after the attempted assassination of former president and current presidential candidate Donald J. Trump. As of right now, not much is known about the shooter or his motives. We also don’t know all of the ways this event has changed people in this country or how it will change us in the future. What we do know is that it was a terribly evil act that left a man dead, devastated his family, and impacted an untold number of people in various ways.

After this incident, I was asked an interesting question: Why does the sinfulness in our world seem to be getting worse? My answer was that when someone who is sick gets closer to death, he generally gets sicker. The same can be true for a country.

Our county is sin-sick and has been for quite some time. The worsening of this sin-sickness may be an indicator that it is getting closer to death. I do not like this, but I believe it to be true. The values this country was founded on have slowly eroded and been stripped away leaving us in a culture that is increasingly hostile to the things of God. If this keeps happening, this nation I love so dearly is in danger of demise.

Which is why we need revival!

A revivalist named Richard Owen Roberts described revival as “the extraordinary movement of the Holy Spirit producing extraordinary results.” There is no doubt in my mind or hesitation in my heart about the fact that this is what we desperately need. We need an “extraordinary movement of the Holy Spirit” to produce “extraordinary results” in our churches, communities, state, and nation. We need the Lord to move!

Would you pray diligently with me for the upcoming Simultaneous Revivals taking place in our association? Would you commit to being a part of these special services? Would you join me in being fervent in prayer for the Lord to “rend of the heavens and come down (Isaiah 64:1)?”

To continue living, that which is near death must be revived. May the Lord revive us again!

– Bro. Matt